Staying Optimistic - Day Four - Mendability
These are pictures I took on Jacob's birthday in December coming home from dinner. I had taken each picture but it was not meant for them to come out like this. We were just having a good time playing with my new phone. I just happened on them the other day and was feeling so down about Jacob's resistance. I cannot tell if it is his Autism or if it is just "the teen years". Either way, we are not giving up! I am giving him to process. Every child needs that even though without disabilities. I have never forced Jacob to do any therapy that made his symptoms worse or that he adamantly refused to do but he seems to want to participate. He is feeling really awkward just finishing his first year in high school. That is overwhelming in itself for all kids. I remember 9th grade and it was the pits.
I think he is just beginning to understand how different he is. When he was little, he paid no attention to others so he really didn't act like he was bothered but his anxiety has gotten worse when he went to high school. I guess that is normal. But, I am a little impatient at times and want Mendability to help him; I just know that I am on "his time" not "mine". I have to repeat this to myself a lot though because I want to progress and to see my son have great social skills. Heck, I would even hope for good skills. I hope the pictures give put some humor in your day cause they did me and I really needed it today. To Be Continued...
~ Holley Jacobs