"Some wonderful pictures of my miracle baby this past weekend with his girlfriend, Bri!"
Just wanted to show off some pictures I made from this past weekend. Jacob's birthday is on December 22, 2014 and he will be 17 years old. I never wanted him to feel anything other than the special and miraculous birth that he was.
Jacob's pregnancy was anything but "normal". I was on bed rest from five weeks pregnant. I had started bleeding and they were worried I was going to miscarry again. Jacob's father and I had already lost four babies. I took all the medicine they told me I needed and yet, still, we lost all four.
Jacob was different though. He was special even before he was born. He was a fighter inside of me just like he is the protector of me now.
I had to be on bed rest and see my doctor three times a week. I do not know how I would have made it through all of it without the help of ex-husband's mother, Judy, his sister, Jean and my niece, Krista. Jean would let Kris skip school to come and "take care of Aunt Holley" since she made honor roll all the time anyway. They were there for me through the whole thing. They would laugh, cry, eat, play Phase 10 or Rummy and anything else to get my mind off of what we all knew it was on. I, thought, of course, I am going to lose this baby too.
Jean was so funny. She always is. We had been at her house the night before I found out I was pregnant with Jacob playing cards and having a great time. My ex and I had decided to stop trying to get pregnant. We had a great time playing cards that night. I will NEVER forget some of the stories that have been re-hashed over the years (I still feel so sorry for Sean's poor little feet).
Anyway, the next morning, my ex went to work. When I woke up, I knew I was pregnant. I do not know how women do not know they are pregnant. I had been pregnant many times before and just felt different that morning. I felt pregnant. It was so funny though because I was not even due yet for my cycle but something kept tugging at me to go and take a test. We ALWAYS had a test in the house. Well, I took the test and got up to clean up the kitchen. I did not think much more of it until suddenly I realized that the time should be up. I went into the bathroom and cried as the word "pregnant" was on the screen. I thought I was dreaming. I thought I had to be. I just had to be dreaming. Yet, I could not wake myself up from this dream.
Immediately, Jean was the first person I thought about. I quickly grabbed the pregnancy test and the car keys. I ran out in my boxers and t-shirt (no shoes), and drove as fast as I could to Jean's house. It did not take that long since she lived a quarter mile from me. However, as I knocked on her door, no one answered. It was early in the morning but I could not wait, I opened the door, calling Jean's name but got no response. I went down the hallway toward her bedroom. I can still picture it now, as if it were yesterday.
Jean was still asleep in bed. Sean had left for work so it was just me and Jean. I kept shaking her trying to wake her up halfway screaming (I did not want to wake the kids up).
"Jean, look...look...look...look...look at this test. Does it read positive to you?"
Finally, after a few minutes of her rubbing her eyes, she was able to focus at the test I was shoving in her face. She did what Jean always does...and said to me,
"Are you seriously putting your pee in my face? Is that what you are doing? Are you putting YOUR PEE that close to my face?"
Finally, she looked at it and said, "Yes, it does say you are pregnant, you big goon!"
I just could not breathe. I remember sitting on Jean's bed in my pj's and thinking, I am still dreaming. I am still dreaming. But, I was not. I was not in dream land. That was not good enough. I called Judy, Jacob's "Grandma Judy", and she took me to the weekend clinic to get a blood test. I just had to know.
Judy came and got me and drove me to the clinic in town. I had been warned by my doctor if I did become pregnant, that I needed to take certain medications and to take things easy. We walked into the clinic and I told them I needed a blood pregnancy test. The took the test but said it would be a while before my test results were back. So, Judy took me to eat breakfast across the street at McDonalds. We waited for what seemed like an ETERNITY. Finally, she said, "Let's go and see what it says."
I WAS PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will never forget any part of that day. Between Jean and Judy, I am sure they would love to forget that day since I was slinging pee in Jean's face and having Judy drive me to town that early in the morning.
My life began that day. That was May 24, 1997. That is when my heart started beating. That is the day my world was magically changed forever and ever.
"Some wonderful pictures of my miracle baby this past weekend with his girlfriend, Bri!"
I NEVER thought I those words would ever come out of mouth.
~Holley Jacobs
~Holley Jacobs