This has been a great month in our household as we raise awareness and acceptance of those on the ASD. I wanted to leave you with a little more information but also some links for Transitioning your child.
Transition Timeline for Families
Age 14
- Explore future independent living and vocational goals.
- Explore personal interests.
- Obtain Social Security card if not done previously.
- Understand transition and what that means for your child.
- Review transition planning at all IEP meetings.
- Explore public transportation options.
- Explore career options.
- Sample various job opportunities provided by the school.
- Determine recreation, leisure interests, strengths, and needs.
- Identify independent living and self-care needs on the IEP.
Age 15
- Begin indifying appropriate adult agencies in the community.
- Sign releases for the referral to suitable agencies at least annually at IEP meetings.
- Obtain driver permit or State ID as appropriate.
- Evaluate for vocational and related skills and interests.
- Review and update transition plan.
Age 16
- Obtain driver's license, if appropriate.
- Sign releases for the referral to appropriate agences at least annually at IEP meetings.
- Explore part-time and summer employment options, if appropriate.
- Begin job training in community sites or school vocational programs.
- Refer to Vocational Rehabilitation or other appropriate agencies.
- Check with an attorney about guardianship, estate planning or a special needs trust.
- Check progress toward credits necessary for graduation and determine appropriate services and graudation age.
- Review and update the transition plan.
Age 17
- Take college entrance exams and complete applications, if appropriate.
- Sign release for the referral to appropriate agencies at least annually at IEP meetings.
- Apply for SSI in their birth month and Medicaid two months prior to 18th birthday, if appropriate.
- Made graduation plans or certificate of completion and attendance if appropriate.
- Plan for transitiona vocational training after graduation through the school if appropriate.
- Prevent surprises by knowing when graduation is and what services will be in place at that time.
- Check progress towards credits necessary for graduation and determine appropriate services and graduation age.
- Check health insurance needs if leaving school and not entering an 18-21 program.
- Discuss employment options of additional education training options.
- Review and update the transition plan.
Age 18
- Sign releases for a referral to appropriate agencies at least annually at IEP meetings.
- Gather information, review, and identify necessary services, including transportation.
- Arrange to meet or tour adult services agencies and select appropriate service providers, confirm status.
- Review and update the transition plan.
I have started a Page for Transition Resources and will be adding to it as I found great resources. Do you have a great resource? Just let me know in the comments. Thanks so much!
Transition Web Resources
Please pass this post along. I would greatly appreciate it.
~ Holley Jacobs