Monday, April 25, 2016

How I Calm Down During A Meltdown by Jacob Klein

SlideShare is a social media, content creation and sharing platform. I have been using SlideShare for over six years  and it has evoled into a site that I am proud to be a part of. Slideshare, at one time onlly hosted PowerPoint Presentation. Today they also offer for creative PDF's, emails, brochures, newsletters,movies, info graphs, etc. The PowerPoint above Jacob created when he was 12 years old. He wanted to be able o share with his new teachers each yeat about his diagnosis and the symtopms  he has as well as how he calms dow. The below PowerPoint was created by me as I am a huge proponent of accepting Autism rather than working tirelessly to fnd a cure. Those who do this, in mu opinion, only miss some great strides that their children may make.

This is a letter Jacob wrote about how he calms down when he is stemming or very anxious. I truly do love having this time with him because I never know what tomorrow brngs so I am finally about to make the best out of any situation that happens my way. Those people who don't practice this will only fail themselves and be a miserable person.

I’m making a bullet list of the ways I calm down. Now I ain’t a violent person. Far from it. It takes a lot to make me very very angry. But I have my breaking points. So here’s the ways I calm down.

Now those are some ways that I calm down. Now they won’t help everyone and No one’s perfect i assure you. Now I hope this gave some of you ideas you can use. This is Phoenix signing off.

The Emperor Protects.