The Importance of Going To College
I know for a fact that it's important. You have a statistically higher chance of getting a better job with better benefits, better pay, and a high level of living than people who don't go to college. Also, most of the jobs in the world require a higher form of education than others. Even McDonald's doesn't accept people who don't have a version of higher education. This is taken in account of the higher living costs of today that has about doubled in the past decade or so because of the rise of resource consumption, living costs, and living quality. And the types of yesterday are declining to the jobs of today. Jobs such as nurses, farmers, and metal workers are declining while programming, electronic design, and animation are on the rise.
It seems to show that hands-on are declining while the jobs that aren't hands on are rising. So the fields of today's jobs are narrowed and more fit for that section then the all-around type of jobs which has lead to a rise of technical colleges that specialize in certain fields and a lower percentage of people going to 4-year colleges compared to people who are going to technical colleges. So because of hands-on jobs that are declining, people are being laid off because of automated services or businesses going out of business. These people are put on SSI because of losing their jobs and they are given a certain amount of time to find another job. But the problem is because they never learned about this newer jobs and never went to college in the first place or never went back, they are unable to get another job because they don't have the relative information that let businesses hire them.
It's important for people like this go to college to find a way to support themselves again. However, sometimes that is unlikely because people that lose their jobs are blue-collar workers so they either don't have the money to go to college or they can't adapt the white-collar environment they are located in. And then their high school students who are graduating and either going to college or straight into the workforce. To be successful in life, they must have the knowledge to excel in the job you're going into. However, most of the best paying jobs require a higher form of education and even the jobs that are declining need that type of education.
So unless the job you want says you don't need a higher form of education, it is advised to get a higher form of education, even if it's a community college. However, some people think that college is easy. However let me say one quote that will debunk that. "Anything worth doing isn't easy.". College is not easy. far from it. There's your tuition, room, and board, books. You may have to work two jobs and work while at college. It would help people bond with others and help them find people that could help them through school and potentially have a job for them.
It will be beneficial to give people the ability to experience new things and help them find what they want in life. It also may let people experience new cultures and lifestyles in their home country or abroad. It will help them learn about these people and to possibly help people understand and not succumb to stereotypes and not become bigoted and racist. Of course,college is not a perfect place as no place is. It's sometimes very expensive, depending on where it is, and time-consuming. People may hate you for your personality, likes, hobbies, and more because they don't like them or some other reason.
Sometimes college websites are consulted and don't convey what they teach or what they are best at. For example, UNL is usually centered around business and nursing while The Art Institute focuses on the arts, like drawing, cooking, and writing. These two schools are also two different types of schools. UNL is a 4-year university while The Art is a technical college. So sometimes the college you want is not that one you need. Also, people change. Something you want now doesn't mean you want it later in life. It depends on the person but there have been people who have switched degrees or have changed careers that are totally different.
Also, the region could be a problem as well. People could be biased against a certain skin color or the weather differences may mess you up. It's like a doctor becoming an artist. It's a sudden change and sometimes it's good and sometimes it's not. So in essence, college is a great place to learn about new things, cultures, lifestyles, make friends, and get the ability to get the job you want in life so you can have a good life. And while college is not easy, with the price, ignorant people, the region where it's located and yourself making difficult choices, it will inevitably help you in the long run to get the job you wanted. It will give you a better place, a stable job, a family and maybe even a pet. But most of all, it will give you a better life and will give you what most people want in life.